The Malind tribe in Merauke is proud of its ecological traditions - each clan in the tribe is responsible for protecting a natural element. The Moiwend clan is responsible for the coconut trees and their fruit. However, in recent times Malind youth have started using coconut plants to make alcohol. The home-made drinks – which are much cheaper to buy than beer and spirits - have added to the town’s problems. Now, some Malind elders are calling for the reinstatement of customary laws that would punish those who make use of coconuts in this way in order to save their tradition and their community.

Jerry Can Coconuts

PLACE: Pantai Payun, Merauke
DIRECTOR: Leo Moyuwend

The Malind tribe in Merauke is proud of its ecological traditions – each clan in the tribe is responsible for protecting a natural element. The Moiwend clan is responsible for the coconut trees and their fruit. However, in recent times Malind youth have started using coconut plants to make alcohol. The home-made drinks – which are much cheaper to buy than beer and spirits – have added to the town’s problems. Now, some Malind elders are calling for the reinstatement of customary laws that would punish those who make use of coconuts in this way in order to save their tradition and their community.

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Kelapa Berbuah Jerigen

DURASI: 07:16
TEMPAT: Pantai Payun, Merauke
DIREKTUR: Leo Moyuwend

Kehidupan suku di Merauke dan pohon kelapa ibarat sebuah entitas yang tak bisa dipisahkan. Dari pohon kelapa, lahir famili Geb Wnangga dengan 12 marga, yang dibagi berdasarkan anatomi kelapa. Seperti halnya Moyuend yang berarti batang. Hanya, kini kelapa menjadi buah simalakama, sumber berbagai permasalahan sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat di Papua. Penyebabnya tak lain karena sagero, minuman beralkohol yang dibuat dari nira pohon kelapa. Kearifan budaya yang dulunya bahkan memberi sanksi bagi siapapun yang mengambil air minum kelapa, kini hilang tak berbekas. Elias Moyuend, tokoh adat Malind, berharap ada sanksi yang keras akan penggunaan kelapa. Bukan hanya hukum pemerintah, tetapi juga diterapkannya hukum adat agar budaya asli mereka tak pupus.

Download Panduan Belajar Kelapa Berbuah Jerigen (pdf)